Be sure to test before saving from DeePsea! Please see Node Building for node information.
The largest path name for WAD files is 255 characters! The largest past name for control files is 127 characters. This includes the drive specification C:\. For example: C:\DOOM2\DeePsea is 16 characters long. The default path is always added to any file you read or write, so don't forget to count it.
Below is a list of the File Menu choices and a description of the command.
New Level
Erases all information so you can create a level from scratch.
Use the [ ] commands on a new level to keep the map from flying all over the place. Decrease the speed with [ until you reach a comfortable scroll speed. Be sure to increase it again for larger levels. You may also want to set this for small levels or if you are running a very fast system. Also check F5 (MAP) and change the Map Scroll Delay for more speed control.
Read a new wad patch file. The default directory is set by the patch option. If not set, the default is the directory where DeePsea is installed. The level edited is automatically set to the first one found. The characters .WAD are automatically appended if no period (.) is found.
Files may contain only levels, sound, sprite, texture modifications or anything. Additional files, beyond the basic level can be saved and combined with any level with the Group command. A total of 99 files may be loaded at once for the registered version and 5 files for the shareware version.
Open Recent PWADs
For quick retrieval. Displays a menu list of the last 20 files you have accessed. Select as appropriate. Use the Reset Recent PWAD command to clear and start over.
Edit Level
Select a different existing level to edit.
Save the level as a PWAD file. Enter the name of the file, including the complete path. If no path is given, the file is stored in your current directory. Press Esc or Cancel to not do anything.
1. If you use long file names, only DOOM95 or one of the newer Window ports can play them.
2. If a file has been Read in with the same save name it is renamed with the .BAK extension.
3. If you save to an existing name, but that file has never been read, the file is overwritten.
DeePBSP should be run if you have changed any of the map's geometry. The dialog box automatically appears if this is required. You can ignore this if you do not intend to play right now, but want to go to bed (it is late). In addition, if you have Show Node Build turned off (F5 nodes), you can bypass the prompt to see DeePBSP’s output for quicker turnaround.
The Shareware version saves up to 5 files with different names. The .BAK name counts as a name. If you read in 5 levels and save using a different name, the maximum is exceeded.
Quick Save (Ctrl+F2)
Instantly saves a copy of your PWAD and makes the extension .BKP.
Save Clipboard Buffer (Ctrl+F3)
Saves the contents of the internal Clipboard Paste buffer as a file. Select the Linedefs or Sectors, press Ctrl+C (copy) to put it in the past buffer. This makes it easy to create objects for the Import Prefab command (Ctrl+I).
Clear the REJECTS
This prompt does not appear on a save if the ClearReject option is set (see F5 options). The options also appears as a dialog entry if you force a node build.
If you do not clear, the existing REJECT information is copied. This is OK for slight tinkering with existing DOOM levels, but not recommended for big changes.
The REJECTS are not always cleared to give you freedom to experiment easier. (DeePBSP only copies REJECT data to make this easy.)
If you have a level that crashes, yet you can't find anything wrong, try using the forced BUILD nodes command and clear the REJECT to FF. If your level no longer crashes, you need to run a REJECT program or reduce the number of enemies.
Save As (Renames Level)
Save the level with a different level number. Select the level and the rest is the same as above.
Save with new RejectMask
You are given the following options:
Reject Option
ALL attacks = Normal (reject of 0’s)
NO attacks = No enemies will attack! (Test your level).
50% attacks = 50 percent of the enemies will attack (approximate, depends where they are)
33% attacks = 33 percent of the enemies will attack
Once you change select any value besides ALL (normal), the reject is always rewritten, regardless of the ClearReject setting in F5 options.
The Reject Option controls which sectors get activated and thus control which enemies in those sectors will attack. This is useful to debug your level. With NO attacks you can wander around the level with all the monsters and yet you do not have to fight them off all the time (most of the time).
In addition, this is a check to see if the enemies are causing problems in your level.
ZDOOM-Hexen Script Compile and Special ZDOOM-Hexen Lump Menu (press F6)
This is a Dialog with all the HEXEN specific level building options. You can press F6 to immediately open this HEXEN development Dialog. See Hexen Lump Menu (F6)
Manage Lumps, Textures, Sprites and Graphics menu (press F7)
This Dialog contains powerful generic Lump importing and exporting. Please see Import/Merge, Export, Graphics, PWAD Lump Modifications (F7)
à Please see Export Dialog Lump for more information on Exporting lumps.
à Please see Import Dialog Lump for more information on Importing Lumps.
à Please see Rename Dialog Lump for more information on Renaming Lumps.
à Please see Graphics - Texture Name Edit (Changing Texture Names) for Texture composition.
à Please see Graphics - Sprite Edit (Changing Sprite Offsets) for Sprite Composition.
Save and Group Files
Group (or combine) all PWAD files together in one file. When you Read in more than one PWAD file, you can combine them into one big PWAD. After you have grouped a bunch of files into one file, read the grouped file back in for a new working copy. The new grouped file replaces all the prior files you loaded automatically.
The shareware version is limited to 5 files and the level is size limited to around 800 LineDefs.
What might not be obvious is that this command replaces ANY entry. Common examples are Sound, Sprite and Texture lumps. The general rule is simple, ALL PWADs you read in are combined into one PWAD. These entries can replace any lump name from sounds to demos.
The most common use is for combining many levels into one PWAD. This makes it easy to play all your favorite levels at once without ending the game. Of course, each PWAD has to have a unique level number.
Example :
You have created 3 levels called SLIDE11.WAD, STORM12.WAD and GLORY13.WAD some time in the past (OK, you spent the last 4 weekends making them). Read all 3 of them using the Read command under File.
Select Group Command to combine them all.
To replace levels in a grouped PWAD with different (new) levels:
1. Read the grouped PWAD (the levels it contains are shown).
2. Read in another PWAD with the level you want to replace. (If the PWAD does not have the correct level number yet, read it in first and then SaveAs choosing the level you want.)
3. Group the PWAD again choosing a different name than what you started with (otherwise you would destroy the very file you are copying from).
To edit levels in a grouped PWAD:
1. Edit the level you want to change.
2. Save using the same name as before and copy ALL the data when prompted.
You can also edit and save each one as individual files (the way you created them to start with). The same original name can be used. This also lets you reassign the level identification, for example, from MAP03 to MAP11.
Example :
Assume you read MIXEDBAG.WAD and change SLIDE11.MAP (level = MAP11).
1. Edit MAP11 make the changes desired.
2. Save the level as SLIDE11.WAD (any name you like of course).
3. Group as MIXEDBAG.WAD and now you're done!
Group reads the information in the files, not what's in memory. That's why you have to save them again (not a bad idea if you changed the levels to keep from getting confused, we do). All levels that do not belong to the Master WAD file are written to the wadfile selected.
The best backup procedure is to Save modified level(s) with their own names before you group all the levels!.
Close All Files
Erases all PWAD information and resets ALL levels to the main IWAD. This is recommended if you load PWADS with addtional information (such as textures) and you no longer wish to use them. New PWADs read in automatically replace any duplicate entries, but if the entries are not replaced, the information in the original PWAD does not go away!
Close 1 File
Erases the PWAD information for this file and resets all levels that used this file to the main IWAD.
Reset Recent PWAD List
Clears the most recent PWAD list (Open Recent Pwads list).
Build Node
Save the level and always rebuild nodes. If you changed the Reject, the SaveRejectMask prompt will also appear.
Build Node As
Save the level with a different level number and always rebuild nodes. If you changed the Reject, the SaveRejectMask prompt will also appear.
Pack/Unpack/Center Options
Except for Center, these options are used for special circumstances and advanced users and are not recommended except as noted:
1. Pack Sidedefs
Takes all sidedefs that have exactly the same characteristics and packs or merges them into one. This reduces the size of a map. A smaller map makes for faster file transfers (if you share files). The disadvantage is that once this is done, any change you make to a packed sidedef appears all over your level (which can be an advantage for making global changes). DeePsea has protective checks for changes that cannot be made with packed SideDefs, but manual options at your disposal could make a mess.
It is recommended to do this when you are all done with you level and have no more changes in mind.
2. Pack Sectors
Takes all sectors that have exactly the same characterstics and packs or merges them into one. The same advantage as noted above and in addition, can reduce visiplane overflow errors and increase Save Game Size. The disadvantage is that once this is done it is not reversible. It is a lot of work to redo, but as in SideDefs, it permits quick global changes.
It is recommended to do this when you are all done with you level and have no more changes in mind.
There is an extra check when packing sectors for HEXEN. You can’t pack a sector if it has a polyobject since that can cause problems! If you insist, use the F8 option to manually merge sectors.
Caution: If there are rising stairs in the level, DeePsea attempts to identify all sectors belonging to the stairs and will not pack those. However, this is not foolproof (depends on your drawing style and making sure each step has the same floor and ceiling texture), so check any rising stairs to make sure that each step still has a separate sector. It’s possible additional sectors are excluded, since it’s better to be on the safe side! Use the Search sector tag feature and you will see all rising stairs. As you verify you can manually fix any mistakes by recreating unique sectors for each step.
3. Unpack Sidedefs
This step takes packed sidedefs and makes them unique again. The Plutonia pack levels are a good place to experiment with these options.
4. Center Coordinates
Takes the middle of the x and y coordinates (maximum and minimum value) and centers the map so that the maximum and minimum are the same distance from a center of (0,0). This helps in situations where the map is too close to any of the boundaries.
5. Renumber Tags
Renumbers LineDef tags consecutively. All referenced Sectors are changed. Sectors that have sector tags assigned but not LineDefs pointing to them are RESET to 0. This command DOES NOT check for any special tag meaning such as 666 or 667 or > 900 for nodebuilder options. This helps in situations where high tag numbers have been accidently set making Paste and Mirror use excessively high tag numbers (which are harder to key in and read).
Note : Be careful with BOOM and HEXEN, since you can accidently change Script references or special meanings.
Test Level (Shift+F1)
Registered DeePsea has no limit on testing level size.
Load DOOM(II) or HERETIC and play a level you have saved. This tests only the level defined by the current file active.
Test all levels (Ctrl+F1)
Registered DeePsea has no limit on testing level size.
Load the appropriate game (determined by the location of the IWAD) and play a level you have saved. This tests the level of the current file active AND loads all PWAD files you have loaded. This can be any type of PWAD.
If you must have the older version of DOOM 1, turn the Response File option off (1.9 is OK).
For DOOM95, select the appropriate options from the DOOM95 menu. Your level starts when you click new game.
See Testing Level Notes for more information
Registered has no limit on print file size.
Print the level to printer or a file. A file is saved in the current DeePsea directory or default path.
You can type in any legitimate path name, for example, C:\mymaps\map01.hgl
Press F1 help in the print menu for more info.
Quake Menu
Provides options to view and export the graphics and data in BSP, PAK or WAD files. See the topic QUAKE Menu for more details.
This was made for our internal use and left in so you can see all those pretty nodes<g>.
For ZDOOM/HEXEN, viewing the nodes is a must to be sure the node segments do not split an area for polygon objects (swinging doors, etc.). You should always try to keep lines aligned in the same plane to keep the number of nodes down. If you have a problem you can slide the area around or draw some extra stuff to force the nodes to take a different path. MAP01 in HEXEN is a good example next to the sliding doors.
Press F1 for the options available.
Exit the editor. Warns you if changes have been made and you have not saved the file.