timer01.gifImport/Merge, Export, Graphics, PWAD Lump Modifications (F7)


Import/Merge, Export, Graphics, PWAD Lump Modifications (F7)


The following options appear in this menu:


Texture Name Edit

Creates new texture names and checks for any Texture errors.

Sprite and IMGZ Edit

Changes the offsets for Sprites and IMG ZDOOM crosshair graphics.

Windows Graphics Editor

Select the graphic of your choice and then launches the default Windows graphics editor chosen in F5 options.

Edit Text LUMP File

Select the text file of your choice and then launches the text editor of your choice chosen in F5 options.

Export LUMP to a file (see links below)

Exports the LUMP chosen to any file. You can sort the list or keep it in the same sequence as found in the WAD.

Save LUMP file to current Level

Puts new LUMP data with your level. Supply a lump name and the file representing the contents of that lump. The level names can be used as a name to store data in them. LEGACY and SMMU ETERNITY ports do this. Choose TXT as the type of data to export to see the existing data.

Auto Textures From Graphics (see links below)

This takes ALL the graphics currently loaded that are not yet a part of PNAMES and puts them in a list. You can select all or some to automatically convert into TEXTUREs and PNAMES.

Auto Textures From FLATS (see links below)

This takes ALL the FLATS currently loaded and puts them in a list. You can select all or some to convert into TEXTUREs and PNAMES.

Auto Textures From BMPs (see links below)

This takes ALL the BMP/PCX files you select and puts them in a list. You can review them before automatically converting them all into TEXTUREs and PNAMES.

Merge-Import Multiple Files into a PWAD

Combines Pwad (see links below)

Takes any number of files and combines them into 1 PWAD.

PWAD Lump Fixing (Rename-Insert-Delete-Move)

Check Duplicates & Resource Usage (see links below)

Quick and easy reorganization of PWAD lumps.

Edit Palette

Quick and easy PLAYPAL palette editing


For futher information:


See Export Dialog Lump

See Import Dialog Lump

See Rename Dialog Lump

See Graphics - Texture Name Edit (Changing Texture Names)

See Graphics - Sprite Edit (Changing Sprite Offsets)

See Automatic Graphic Lump Texture Conversion

See Automatic FLAT Texture Conversion

See Automatic BMP to Texture conversion


SeePalette Editing (PLAYPAL)