This dialog is used to manipulate the directory contents of a PWAD, provide a Texture and Flat usage Report and automatically remove unused texture sources. A backup with the .BAK extension is automatically made of the original file - so if something goes wrong, use that to restore to the prior version.
The list on the left represents all the lumps in the PWAD you have selected. The names in the right list represent all the lumps in the order shown that will be written. You move names from the left box to the right box.
Basic Operation
1. Select items in the Left list
2. Press Copy to add to the Right list
3. Press Save – this saves all the items in the RIGHT list.
4. Press Restore - put back to Left (removes from list)
5. Press Rename - rename Right side name.
6. Press Insert - create a new Right side name. Use this to add missing control names.
Show Types Selected
Use the Filter Selection check boxes on the left to isolate specific types of lump data as indicated by the name. Then Press Show Types Selected to activate your selections.
Sort Alpha (see note)
Sort the new order into alphabetical sequence.
Sort Asis (see note_
Sort the new order into the same sequence as the original data sequence as read in.
NOTE: Pressing Sort Alpha changes the above button to Sort Asis and so forth.
Insert After
When the lumps are added to the right list, they are inserted after the currently selected entry. If this is not checked, they are added before the selected entry.
Lump Preview
Controls the viewing and playing of the contents of the lumps. It may be desired to turn preview off when working with sound elements.
Disable this to check for duplicate lumps names. Usually duplicates are not a good idea, since it then makes a level prone to unintentional duplicated lump entries.
Action Buttons
Reset ALL
Use this to change your mind and revert back to all the original values.
Select ALL
Selects ALL the lumps shown in the left list and adds them to the right
Copy all the lumps highlighed (selected) in the left list to the right list.
Copy all the lumps highlighed (selected) in the right list and copies them back to the left list.
Instantly rename lumps to any other (not duplicated) name. Fixes level music, sounds and level names instantly.
Moves any lumps to a different location. Use this to fix the order for certain animated graphics. The most common usage is to place the F_END after the last FLAT. Remember, you are in charge of name selections so be careful and understand what is going on!
Insert missing control information required for either DOOM, DeePsea, Wintex or any other program. The place the insert takes places is Before or After the name selected.
Examples are FF_START, F_END, S_START, etc. Any entry inserted always has a zero length. To replace an entry created in this manner with real data, Open the PWAD with the inserted name, Open another PWAD containing the same inserted name with real data, then use the Group command to create a new PWAD with the new entry.
Save As
Press to save all the changes. This functions like the Clean Wad command in other utilities since it writes contiguous data with no wasted holes. (Note: All DeePsea saves automatically preform a "clean wad", so there is no need to do this separately via this tool.)
1. Any invalid level names are converted to BADxx (xx digits). This includes lump names reserved for levels that are orphaned in the level. You can delete these names as appropriate.
2. An empty file has a DUMMY entry added so you can insert data. If you do add something, delete the DUMMY since it’s there only for control purposes.
3. Review the help and other documentation for how the special control names F_START, F_END, FF_START, FF_END, C_START, C_END, S_START, S_END, etc. work. You have to know what these elements do or else you may have trouble getting Sprites, Flats, and special control to work.
Texture and Flat Usage Tool
The five buttons on the right give you a quick and instant report on the textures and flats used in any level.
Lists all the textures, pnames and flats defined in the PWAD, sorted no less.
Lists all the textures and flats used by each level in your PWAD, one after the other.
Lists all the textures and flats used by by your whole PWAD for all levels combined.
Lists all the TEXTURE1/2, PNAMES entries, patch name lumps, and all the Flats that were not referenced by any Animated Flats, Textures and switches may show up as not used because a level only references the first one and not the others (in DOOM for example, BFALL1 to BFALL4). However, if the Texture or Flat name exists in the IWAD, then it automatically is preserved even if the level does not use the resource. This streamlines the animation check, however, it could be that you added animations that are not used and this tool will leave not report them.
Deletes all the TEXTURE1/2, PNAMES entries, patch name lumps, and all the Flats that were not referenced by any level in the PWAD. Animated Flats, Textures and switches may show up as not eligible for deletion because a level only references the first one and not the others (in DOOM for example, BFALL1 to BFALL4). However, if the Texture or Flat name exists in the IWAD, then it automatically is preserved even if the level does not use the resource. This streamlines the animation check, however, it could be that you added animations that are not used and this tool will leave not delete them.
You should run the List All Textures and Flats Not Used tool first. Then if you find some that you need to keep, reply Y to Prompt for Deletes?. Now you can individually delete only the ones you want and keep those that you know are switches or animations.
When you have completed this step the next step is for you to save the revised TEXTURE1/PNAMES and list of lumps removed as automatically displayed in the listbox on the right.
CAUTION: If you have allowed duplicated graphic lump names, then do not use this tool since it will grab the first occurrence and delete it. This may not be correct if you use the same name for texture Patches and for Flats.
Texture and Flat Conversion Tool
The three button on the lower right control the tool you can use to convert the texture and flat names used in any level to any other name. The conversion (substitution) of names is set in a conversion file. There is a sample conversion file called DOOMDOOM2Conversion.CVT. As supplied this converts a DOOM level to DOOM2. Use this file as a model of how to change the names in any level.
Launches the editor of your choice (default=Notepad) to edit the names to be substituted.
Set the name of the Texture Conversion file to use for the conversion tool.
Using the Conversion file selected above, the currently loaded PWAD has all the names substituted and a NEW converted PWAD is written.