wrench.gifAutomatic Graphic Lump Texture Conversion


This tool converts any graphic lumps into a PNAMES entry and a TEXTUREx name in one step. For example, you can take any Sprite and also make it into a texture just by click on the name and saving. The names cannot already be a PNAMES or a TEXTUREx name.


There are 3 lists:


1. The first list contains all the graphics lumps that are not yet an entry in PNAMES you can make into a new PNAMES entry and new TEXTUREx entry.


2. The second list contains all the lumps that will be made into PNAMES entries. Add to List2 by selecting from List1. The The standard multi-selection Window selection rules apply. Hold down the Shift key and press the up-down cursor or press the left mouse button to select consecutive entries. You can also hold down the Ctrl key and then left click on any entry in List1 to randomly add any entry.


3. The third list contains all the lumps that will be made into TEXTURE1 entries. Add to List3 by clicking on a name in List2 (if Auto Textures was not enabled – see below).


Delete entries in List2 and List3 by double clicking on a name. Entries in List3 are automatically deleted if a List2 entry is deleted.




External Files Only

Only graphic lumps that are found in external files loaded are selected.

Preview Image

The contents of the lumps are shown

Auto Textures

Automatically all Names selected from the first list are put into the second and third lists.

Sort List1

The first list is sorted


Button Commands


Select All

All the entries in the first list are added to the second list and optionally the third list.

Clear Selections

All the entries are cleared


The names in the second list are added to PNAMES. The names in the third list are added to TEXTURE1. The file name you select will contain the new TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps.


The new TEXTURE1, TEXTURE2, PNAMES and any new PATCHES are added to the file. If this is an existing file, the new information is merged with the file. Normally you select your loaded level so all the new texture information is available for you to use.


You can also use the File- Group tool or the F7 Import tool to combine this PWAD with the PWAD of your choice.