exchange.gifTexture Setting on bottom display


There are two shortcut methods to set LineDef and Sector textures:



When the bottom display of textures is present, the keyboard short cuts below are available to set any of the textures displayed to one of the other. ALL linedefs currently selected are changed.


Move the cursor on the top the texture to change. There are 3 texture slots for Sidedef1, followed by 3 texture slots for Sidedef2.


The following actions take place as each key is pressed:


- set texture below the cursor to nothing.

U set texture below the cursor the same as upper texture on same SideDef.

N set texture below the cursor the same as normal texture on same SideDef.

L set texture below the cursor the same as lower texture on same SideDef.



When the bottom display of sector textures is present, the keyboard short cuts below are available to set any of the textures displayed to one of the other. ALL sectors currently selected are changed.


Move the cursor on the top the texture to change. The left texture is the ceiling and the right texture is the floor.


The following actions take place as each key is pressed:


C set texture below the cursor the same as ceiling texture displayed.

F set texture below the cursor the same as floor texture displayed