trffc18a.gifError Checking Options


Set the following options to suit your level. As one gets more advanced in level design, you will find that certain effects are contrary to the "rules". This may result in one or more of the following errors to be reported. Disable the options that you know are not a problem for your level.


Upper Textures

Check to see if any Upper textures are missing.



Check to see if any Normal textures are missing.


Lower Textures

Check to see if any Lower textures are missing.


X offsets

Check to see if X offset exceed texture limits.


Y offsets

Check to see if Y offset exceed texture limits.



Check to see if texture has more than 1 patch.


Sector Closed 1

Check to see if all linedefs match.


Sector Closed 2

Check to see if all SideDef references match.


Thing in Sector

Check to see if all Things are in sectors.


Thing Shooter

Check Spawn Cube Shooter has at least one Spawn Cube Target match


Things on Top

Check to see if all Things are on top of each other.


Check Tags

Check to see if that LineDefs have tags where required and that a matching Sector is found.


Check Short Lines

Checks for lines less than or equal to in length to the Shortest Line to Check Value. This is to catch inadvertant mistakes in drawing.


Check Overlapping Linedefs

Checks to see if any vertex is drawn on top of a Linedef, but the Linedef is not split there. This is a very common problem with some editors, especially WadAuthor.


For very large levels or slow machines, it may be preferred to turn this off and only run at the end. Be sure to check your level for a potential overlap problem.


Check Duplicate SideDefs

Checks for Linedefs that use the same Sidedef value. This normally the result of Packing Sidedefs. You can undo packed Sidedefs by using the File menu Unpack Sidedefs command.


Check Duplicate LineDefs

Checks for Linedefs that are right on top of one another.


Check Duplicate Vertex

Checks for Vertices that share coordinates


For very large levels or slow machines, it may be preferred to turn this off and only run at the end. Be sure to check your level for a potential overlap problem.


Check Keys

Checks that all required keys are in the level


Check Tags

Checks that required LineDef and Sector tag associations are present. Also lists tags that are usually not required.

Write Error Dialog Log

Creates a dialog list of all the errors. As you browse the list, the location of the error is automatically brought into focus for you to fix. If you want the ability to stop at the first error, turn this off.