There are lots of options in DeePsea to control the colors, speed, defaults etc. Press F5 to access all the options. Play around to see which suit you!
DeePsea assumes you have DOOMx version 1.9
DeePsea edits DOOM, DOOM II, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, HERETIC, HEXEN and STRIFE. In addition the new DOOM ports (such as BOOM, ZDOOM, EDGE, JDOOM, DOSDOOM & LEGACY) are also supported. It can convert the maps from one to any of the others (see comments below).
The STRIFE game is somewhat programmable, so for example, the same Thing acts differently on different maps. There are script dialogs and interactions possible. Contact the Publisher for further specifications.
Note for fast CPU Systems
Use the mouse to pan the Map. Use the [ and ] keys to set the pan speed and keep the map from moving too fast!
The initial speed default might be too slow for some systems or too fast for others. You can change the speed by changing the map movement increment. This makes the map move in smaller steps and is very smooth on fast systems.
Press F5 and select MAP options or use the [ ] keys to change the Map Scroll Unit size. The default is 10, increase this for slower systems. The Map Scroll Delay also changes the scrolling speed. The default is 10 milliseconds. Increase this value to slow the speed further. 20 milliseconds is recommended for PIII500 and above or for small levels. Experiment to suit your reflexes. The Map Zoom Delay is the delay when using any of the zoom commands.
There are FOUR ways to use the mouse to scroll the map:
1. The default has MouseClick Moves Map (see F5 option). You push a mouse button to scroll the map. When the cursor changes to a double arrow, press the left mouse button. Release the button to stop scrolling. Most users prefer this on fast systems.
2. Turn MouseClick Moves Map OFF to scroll the map as soon as the pointer reaches the edges of the screen.
4. Press the Left mouse button and then press and release the Right mouse button. Now pan! See next.
5. Or if you have a wheel mouse, depress the Wheel button (or middle button) and pan. Depress again to stop panning. Once activated, the Left and Right mouse buttons zoom for either method.
The cursor keys (option set in F5 screen) also move the Map.
If you want to make a quick level just to see what this is all about, press F1 and select from the Help index.
For HEXEN, you may have to replace some scripts to play DEATHMATCH, etc. The scripts are coded for specific polyobjects and you will get polyobject errors!!
If HEXEN (or the others) crash, your system may become unstable!
HEXEN must have a BEHAVIOR resource. Please review HEXSPECS.DOC to see how to program the different LineDefs and Things. It is quite different from DOOM.
Converting a level from DOOM to HEXEN
You convert a level from one game to the other, by placing DeePsea in the appropriate Game first. For example, lets start in HEXEN mode by opening the Project HEXEN.PRJ. Now we read in any old DOOM level (or HERETIC).
The next step is to fix all the textures. You can manually Search/Replace each one or you can use the automatic fix textures feature using the F10 menu.
Modify the Sector and LineDef types as required for each game.
Next fix all your things!! In HEXEN mode, all your LineDef and Sector types are reset. In the other modes they are left as is, but you do have to make changes from DOOM->HERETIC.
Run the error checker (F10) to verify your changes.
Converting a level from DOOM to ZDOOM in HEXEN mode
Use ZWADCONV for now. This is only required if you want to modify some older DOOM levels using the non-Hexen specials.
Map Scroll Limits
The maximum scroll in any direction is slightly less than the edge of the map in that direction. This brick wall prevents the map from flying off your screen and loosing sight of your map.
If you are making a very large area, reduce the zoom or extend the area after you make it as large as you can. The new area automatically extends the scroll limits, so you can make it bigger again.
The maximum safe Doom Unit X / Y size is about 8000 x 8000. This is pretty large! This includes a large amount of detail inside this boundary.
Simple maps can be larger. The product of the length of X times Y can't exceed approximately 536 million.
32k x 32k never works. 16k x16k works for simple maps.
If you scroll to the edge and magnify with Auto Center turned off, you may loose sight of the map!
Press alt+X or alt+Z to get your bearings again. The Home and End keys do the same thing.
Map Centering
The center of the map should be at approximately 0,0. This is mainly an issue if you create a level with long lines and you exceed the maximum coordinate that Doom supports. If you have accidently made your level lobsided, use the File/Center command to automatically recenter the map.
Hot Area Editing
Rather than add a zillion more hot keys, DeePsea's HOT area editing allows direct interactive editing of all those flags and more! Much simpler than having to remember more keys.
You activate the area by placing the mouse cursor in the area and pressing the left mouse button.The flag hot spots eliminate having to learn a zillion key combo's, just point and click!
Press the shift key (or turn auto-follow off) to keep DeePsea focused on the object currently displayed in the bottom information boxes.
Here's a list of how and what the available HOT areas do:
1. Enter full screen browsing mode:
In the graphical display of Textures, Flats, Maps, and Sprites, place the cursor in the graphic displayed. These displays also have a Browse button. Click the browse button or left click inside the graphic to start the browsers.
2. Interactive flag editing:
In LineDef and Thing mode (and Sector mode for ZDOOM/HEXEN), the flags displayed on the bottom are easily edited. Click on the flag boxes as desired. They change color as applicable. If multiple objects are selected, only the flags changed are changed in the other objects (flags not changed are left alone in the other objects). Is that easy or what?
3. Direct access to specific menus:
The other areas in the bottom information boxes are also HOT. They shortcut to the menu applicable for your choice. For the textures shown, they directly access the texture for that SideDef. Click on the Type and the type menu comes up. Experiment to see what suits you.
Same goes for those extra HEXEN arguments. Mouse click in the screen argument area and they pop right up.
If multiple objects are selected, they all get changed.
Keyboard Commands overview
(see Keyboard & Mouse Summary for a short reference guide)
Look for the topic in the Index or choose Find. The Windows help system has extensive search flexibility.
Press F1 within many commands. Each item is explained in more detail in the context sensitive help section.
F1 Display Help
F2 Save level in a PWAD file.
F3 Save As...(Reassign level name of a map)
F4 Search/Change for Object.
F5 DeePsea options menu
F6 ZDOOM/Hexen Development menu
F7 Lump Menu (import, export, graphics)
F8 Miscellaneous Operations.
F9 Insert standard shapes.
F10 Check Level for errors.
F11 Help list of all the shortcut keyboard commands.
F12 Hide Invisible Line toggle LineDef display
Alt+F1 Screen Saver, key press stops
Alt+F2 Save Level and always build Nodes
Alt+F3 Spare
Alt+F4 Exit
Alt+F5 Spare
Alt+F6 Spare
Alt+F7 Spare
Alt+F8 Spare
Alt+F10 Automatically fix sector assignments
Shift+F1 Test Level (one file only)
Shift+F2 Edit a different Level
Shift+F3 Create a new level from scratch
Shift+F4 Close all PWAD files read
Shift+F5 Read a new PWAD file
Shift+F6 Close 1 PWAD file read
Shift+F10 Toggle map scrolling method from Edge touching to Mouse click.
ToolBar Commands see Tool Bars
Special Key Commands
1. Exit any submenu. If any item was selected, it is saved. You can also click the right mouse button to exit.
2. Cancel any current active drag object. The objects are returned to the starting locations. All the objects selected are still active. You can restart dragging by clicking the Right mouse button again. Press C to clear the object selection.
3. Cancel any current active Scale/Rotate object. The objects are returned to the starting locations.
4. Cancel any current active Tool object; Rectangle, Polygon and Stairs.
5. When any LineDrawing mode is active. The last LineDef is NOT drawn to close the polygon (if it is missing).
Line Drawing mode is reset to the next area to draw. Press Esc again to exit LineDrawing mode.
Ins (Thing mode)
Insert a new Thing at the current cursor position. Copies the last selected object or insert a default object (see Edit F1 help).
Ins (Sector mode)
Creates a new sector. Look at F10 number of sectors (minus 1) to get the new sector number. Use this to create a new sector for an area ahead of time.
It is safer (since you can't accidentally delete) to change the sector reference in SideDefs to this new Sector. The old sector is purged when you do the final Check on the Level (always do the complete Check). You won't need to do this very often (rarely as you get better).
Ins (LineDef mode)
Press INS to create a new sector for the LineDef’s Sidedefs selected.
Ins (Vertex mode)
Starts Line drawing mode for creating Vertices, LineDefs and Sectors. In Vertex mode a quick Double left Mouse Click also enters LineDrawing mode (all modes except Thing mode, enter LineDrawing).
You can always start drawing from any mode by pressing Ctrl+D or quick Double right mouse click and select Drawing mode. Or you select the ToolBar option to start drawing.
The map display from other modes changes, showing you the Vertex locations. If you scroll or size the map, the map displays as it does in Vertex mode.
When you exit LineDrawing mode, the display automatically returns to the original mode.
Tool LineDrawing mode is the work horse for drawing areas!
Press the Left mouse button to start creating Vertexes and LineDefs. You can start on top of an existing Vertex. That's the way you connect Sectors. (Also see Mouse buttons.)
You can also trace on top of other LineDefs to make them 2-sided if they go in opposite directions.
You can also draw across LineDefs (a DeePsea exclusive)! If you cross at an angle over larger areas, it’s possible some additional areas may be included when new sectors are assigned. See F5 options for turning these features off and on (may be required for some "tricks").
If the level is already correct, that is, if you run the F10 check level, there are no errors, DeePsea will correctly identify your existing areas and adjust the details of sector and sidedef assignments automatically.
When the level has incorrect references (which result in miscalculations) or if DeePsea miscalculates the correct SideDef/Sector references, it’s easy to fix them in LineDef edit mode.
Placing a Vertex right on top of an existing LineDef splits the LineDef at the location of the new Vertex. This is how you can quickly make Door sides (see Misc Help).
It is not possible to create only 1 Vertex. (What are you going to do with 1 vertex?)
If you select 2 vertexes and then press Ins, a LineDef is created connecting the 2 vertices. No Sidedefs or Sector is made. You are then asked if you want to Split the Sector or make a 2-sided LineDef.
Split Sector / 2-sided LineDef
After you create a single LineDef (from only 2 vertexes) a prompt automatically comes up asking if you want to split the sector or make the LineDef 2-sided.
Note: If you have packed sidedefs and any of the sidedefs are shared elsewhere, you cannot split a sector into 2 different ones. You can make a 2-sided linedef splitting the area in ½.
Exit does nothing in vertex mode (from 2 vertexes). In Line Drawing mode, it looks for the surrounding sector areas and tries to match Sidedef1 and Sidedef2 to the surroundings. This is mainly used where you have deleted a line that was separating two sectors and you now wish to draw it back.
Splitting a Sector takes the area on one side of the line just created and assigns all LineDefs a new Sector number (this is automatically created and is a copy of the original one). In this manner you can quickly change an area and make the new (or old) sector have a new behavior without changing the rest of the area. The area to be split should all originally be contained in one Sector.
The split LineDef has to be drawn following the conventions for Sectors. So follow the flow of the existing area. A message will come up if it fails for any reason.
2-sided Linedefs are commonly used for triggers to activate a Sector somewhere else when you walk across them.
Do NOT split a sector if you don't know what that means right now. It will get very confusing!
There are 4 ways to finish a Line/Side/Def/Sector:
1. Press the Right button to close the last LineDef (if you haven't made a complete loop). A new Sidedef1 is created for each line drawn and they all share a new Sector.
You connect two sectors by sharing a LineDef (you trace over an existing LineDef), the shared LineDef is automatically made 2-sided.
Tracing over an existing LineDef is automatic if you think ahead a bit and end up where the last LineDef made automatically will cross over the existing LineDef.
2. Press Shift+Right button to close the last LineDef (if you haven't made a complete loop) and EXTEND an area if Sector Join is OFF.
A new Sidedef1 is created for each line drawn and they all share the SAME Sector as the one used by the LineDef shared.
The opposite is true, if Sector Join is ON.
(Draw over only 1 LineDef).
3. Press the Ins key to do everything you did in 1 above. The difference is, any LineDef you traced over is NOT made 2-sided. You do this if the LineDef is being traced over because you are making a Door.
Door sides (the thin part) are normally 1-sided, so you don't want the process to make it 2-sided. If you forget, you have to eliminate the Sidedef2 created. You delete Sidedef2 by selecting Delete Sidedef2 or by changing the reference number to -1 (that's deleting it).
4. Press the Esc key to do everything you did in 1 except the LineDef is not automatically closed.
LineDef mode
All the LineDefs you selected that are 1-sided, will be made 2-sided with a new sector assigned. Do not select any LineDefs that are already 2-sided.
If you want to define an existing area that has mostly 1-sided LineDefs, but one of them is 2-sided, remove the 2nd SideDef from the offender (delete SideDef 2), then select all (now) 1-sided LineDefs, press Ins and a new area is created with its own new Sector.
Delete the current object(s). (See next for Vertex mode variation).
Edit the current object directly. Bypasses intermediate menus so you can edit the object directly.
Edit the current object. Same as Right mouse button.
Switch to the next editing mode. If objects are marked, they remain marked with both forms of tabbing. You can also use the mouse Wheel to change editing modes.
In Tool Mode (Rectangle, Polygon, Stairs, Rotate) toggles the scale increment size between 1 and .01 and the angle increment from 4 to .04.
Cursor Keys
Normal Edit mode:
If the Cursor Key move Map option is active, these keys move the Map (see F5 menu). If not active, the keys are ignored.
Up/Down select entry in Menus
In Tool modes changes values as appropriate. (Press F1 in the Tool for help).
Assigns a new sector to all the LineDefs selected (LineDef Edit mode only).
Select whether Sidedef1 or Sidedef2 is to control the selection of the sector to clone, the master sector. The first SideDef found with a valid sector controls the new master sector number. If none is found, a new default sector is created. The Sidedef number selected of each LineDef is checked. If a SideDef is missing, it is created. Then all the SideDef sector for the side selected are set to the new Sector value. Be sure to check the results!
Note: Do not use this command if the SideDefs were packed.
In Edit mode, Centers Map
In Menus, moves to the first item.
In Tool modes changes values as appropriate.
In Edit mode, Best Fit zoom
In Menus, moves to the last item.
In Tool modes changes values as appropriate.
In dialogs lists, moves down.
In Tool modes changes values as appropriate.
In dialog lists, moves up.
In Tool modes changes values as appropriate.
Character Key Commands
~ or ` 3D Preview
Display a 3D view of the map. See 3DView for more help.
Set Edit ZOOM level from 1 to 10 directly (100 to 1000)
+ / -
Zoom in or out (change the map scale) Zoom levels range from 50 to 32000 scale. Use the Z command for instant zooming (see below). Set the zoom speed in F5/Map.
If you hold and press the + or - keys, intermediate zoom levels are skipped and the final zoom level is shown. For example, if you press and hold the + key, the map zooms to the maximum level.
[ ]
Change the Map Scroll Unit size. Ranges from 1 to 50, higher is faster . Value is displayed on the bottom line. (Press F5 to change the map scrolling delay if the speed is still not the right speed.)
< > (All modes except Things)
Enter Scale/Rotate mode (except for Things) All objects selected can be rotated by pressing the < and > keys. Press F1 while in the tool for other applicable commands.
This rearranges objects by spinning them around (rotation angle) or moving them closer/ further apart (scale). The Angle/Scale Value is displayed on the top.
Press the space bar to toggle between an increment of 1 and 4.
Press C or Esc to cancel the changes.
Press and hold the Right mouse button to move the Map.
You can also rotate by using the mouse.
Left click or press Enter to accept the changes.
TIP: After you create an object it is automatically selected. For example, after you create a stair all the LineDefs are selected. You can scale/rotate all of them or drag them right away!
< > (Thing mode)
Change Thing direction. Interactively change the direction of Things.
Toggle option to display a vertex dot in all modes.
Toggle a hollow or solid Thing circle (see Q). Makes it easier to see lines underneath a Thing object when draggging things.
Toggle a hollow or solid ruler. See R for setting ruler.
Toggle a rectangle or circle ruler. See R for setting ruler.
Toggle Snap-To-Grid. Automatically snaps objects to the active grid. See Grid command for a discussion.
Toggle Zoom Centering between 3 operating modes - None, Coordinates and Object. Coordinates centers on the Mouse Cursor location, Object centers on the current object and None of course does no automatic centering.
If enabled, DeePsea automatically centers the map either on the current object or on the current cursor location when zooming using the +/- keys.
The bottom line displays the status of the options.
Automatically Center the map at the current cursor location.
Bring up popup calculator. Can also be entered in most number prompts
HEXEN only, Jump to a Tid or LineID
Clear all selections and redraw map. Cancel any current active drag, rotate or Tool command. The objects are returned to the starting locations.
Holding the Left mouse button for over 2/10* of a second and then releasing it also clears all selections unless cumulative select is turned on (F5 options). This also cancels Vertex insert mode. NO SideDefs or sectors are created!
( * Change the delay in Zoom/Mouse/Map options under Edit)
Toggles between a solid or dashed grid.
Clones Things, Sectors or SideDefs from a donor object. The last object highlighted is the donor object.
For Sectors, all the selected Sectors end up having the same textures, heights and lighting. For LineDefs, all the selected SideDefs (Sidedef1 or Sidedef2) of the LineDefs end up having the same textures and sector reference. For Things, all the selected Things end up having the same type.
Repeat last Find or Change
Decrease the grid scale Shift+G increases the grid scale, Ctrl+G sets grid to 0, Shift+Ctrl+G is any grid size (see later on)
A grid is a series of squares on the screen. They are visible if the grid is not hidden. Use H to view/hide.
A grid size that result in a screen size of less than 2 pixels is never shown. When the 2 pixel limit is reached, the visible grid fluctuates in size and changes to dark-gray.
If Snap-to-Grid is active (see /) and the grid size is not 0, each vertex coordinate is rounded to a multiple of the grid. For example, if a vertex has coordinates of x=121, y=22 and the grid size is 8, the final coordinates are : x=128, y=24. That example was for Vertex mode.
Tool mode also snaps to the grid. So you will see the objects jumping on the screen as you move.
In the Line and Sector editing modes, coordinates are only shifted in increments of the grid. To force them into alignment would cause a lot of grief (Vertices could be overlaid)!
Grid is use recommended when linedrawing. It automatically aligns objects the grid (if Snap-to-Grid is active). When using the Tools you may wish to turn it off ( / key command) to make the object more controllable. Also when performing some detail work, such as placing vertices on top of an existing line, it is easier if Snap-to-Grid is OFF.
If the original LineDef or Sector was not aligned, switch to Vertex mode to align each Vertex.
TIP: If you have a Sector object and you want to force it into the grid coordinates (meaning the vertices will snap to points) do the following:
1. Select the Sector by left clicking (in Sector Editing mode of course).
2. Switch to LineDef mode (L), now all the LineDefs are selected.
3. Switch to Vertex mode (V), now all the Vertexes are selected ready for your commands!
Note: you have to move past 1/2 the grid size to make it snap, so move too far and move back.
A grid size of 8 is recommended for most work. Use a larger grid when making beginning large areas or when making Teleports (for floor texture alignment).
Toggle display grid (hides the grid)
Toggle display object information. Hide or Show the information bottom bar while editing. Also called fullscreen toggle. Show texture pictures while editing. When not shown speeds up display and shows more of the Map.
Jump to a specific object #.
Bring up thing mask menu. Select the items you want to display by clicking on the boxes.
Switch to the LineDefs/SideDefs editor.
Mark/unmark current object (select). To unselect it, press M again.
Same as pressing the Left Mouse button.
Jump to the next object.
Copies current Wall (both sides) or Sector texture Dup defaults to current LineDefs or Sectors Selected. Use F5 (texture) to change the Dup defaults. Use the Texture Group Option (F5 or Options) to save different TCF configurations and load ones to suit the task at hand. Just type in a different TCF name and it automatically creates a new one for you.
Note : Also see shift+O and ctrl+O, sets defaults for Sidedef1 or Sidedef2 only.
Jump to the previous object.
Sets graphical display of Things in any Editing mode. Q command toggles with 3 different display types. A cross (default), circle or image of the Thing objects. If a circle, the * command sets the transparency option.
Toggle display ruler. See F5 Map, Ruler Radius to set the rectangle sizes. When you turn the ruler off, it remains on the screen until you move or redraw the map. This is handy for helping size objects and aligning them accurately
See the ! and @ commands for toggling solid/hollow rulers and circles/rectangles.
Switch to the Sectors editor.
Switch to the Things editor.
Note :If you press T when you are already in THING mode, the display always switches to display the actual Sprite with a light background! Press T again to switch back to the last Q display mode.
Any key press interrupts the display so you don't have to wait for a complete screen to fill up. If you accidentally stopped the display, press C(lear) to redisplay.
Switch to the Vertexes (vertices) editor.
Enter 3D texture alignment mode .
X align side1, if no textures found switch to side 2
Y align side1, if no textures found switch to side 2
Zoom IN/OUT instantly. Zooms according to the limits set in speed options under Edit/Options. Instantly centers the object selected at the zoom value you selected.
Prevent auto-object selection temporarily (see Shift+" for permanent setting " is a double quote)
Switch to the previous editing mode. You can also use the mouse Wheel to change editing modes.
Immediately Increase Sector ceiling height (Sector Edit mode only)
Immediately Increase Thing height (HEXEN Thing mode only)
Immediately Decrease Sector ceiling height (Sector Edit mode only)
Immediately Decrease Thing height (HEXEN Thing mode only)
Immediately Increase Sector floor height (Sector Edit mode only)
Immediately Decrease Sector floor height (Sector Edit mode only)
Shift+Up Cursor
Immediately Increase Sector floor and ceiling height (Sector Edit mode only)
Shift+Down Cursor
Immediately Decrease Sector floor and ceiling height (Sector Edit mode only)
Create a standalone Vertex in Vertex Mode only. Normally not used.
Assigns a new sector to all the LineDefs selected (LineDef Edit mode only).
Select whether Sidedef1 or Sidedef2 is to control the selection of the sector to clone, the master sector. The LineDef highlighted controls the master sector number. Each Sidedef of each LineDef is checked. If the Sector matches the master sector, it is replaced. If not, the other SIdeDef is checked and if that matches it is replaced instead. This takes care of areas where the SideDef used for the Sectors changes sides. Be sure to check the results!
Use just Ins to create sidedefs (if missing) and assign a new sector to Sidedef1 or Sidedef2.
Note: Do not use this command if the SideDefs were packed.
Enter any Grid Scale. This is for advanced users who also supply custom textures. This feature lets you copy architectural drawing easily by setting the same scale. We don't recommend using this if you are not familiar with texture alignment problems you can encounter with your own grid size.
Turn off Automatic Section of objects. Shows as Autoselect=Yes/No on the bottom status bar. This is normally not done. Auto object selection selects an object as soon as the cursor moves close to it. The bottom line displays the status of the options.
Note: Press the Shift key to temporarily disable auto-object selection!
Automatically make straight vertical or horizontal lines.
Select a LineDef and the X or Y coordinates are automatically made the same for instant straight lines. The alignment range is set by the current grid size.
Set ceiling height in Sector mode
Convert a LineDef to a circle arc in LineDef mode
Split Sector in ½ or just draw a 2-sided line through Sector.
Set floor height in Sector mode
Increase the grid scale (G decreases the grid scale).
Set ceiling/floor height Sector mode
Toggle 64 grid display
Select, mark and highlight ALL Things of the same type in Thing mode.
Set NoMode editing. With this you can edit different objects without having to select a specific mode. Press L, S, T, V to go back to specific edit settings (or press Shift+N again). Watch the bottom display to see the type of object selected. You can edit this object exactly the same as in a specific editing mode. You probably will want to increase the object select range to make it easier to switch objects (F5/map).
Copies current Wall Dup texture defaults to only SIdeDef 1 or Ceiling of selected objects.
Refreshes screen display only
Split Linedefs in ½ (or just draw on top of the linedef).
Skip menus, edit LIneDef, Sector or Thing Type.
X align Sidedef1, texture check
Y align Sidedef1
Rezoom back to area prior to Zoom-to-Window (see Left mouse button select box and then +Z).
LineDef mode, edit Sidedef1. Creates the sidedef is none is present.
LineDef mode, edit Sidedef2. Creates the sidedef is none is present.
Prefab Stair Tool dialog
Prefab Door Tool dialog
Prefab Polygon Tool dialog
Prefab Rectangle Tool dialog
Enter a Sector or LineDef tag depending on mode.
X align Sidedef2, texture check
Y align Sidedef2
Zoom to Extents. Sizes the map to fit the screen exactly.
Set Bookmark 1. Go to the Bookmark using Ctrl+Shift+0 (0 is from 0 to 9).
Sector mode only - Increase the light value by a user specified value for all the sector selected. The maximum is 255. The first sector that reaches the maximum stops all increases. Use Ctrl+Home to override. The light increment value is set in F5/Texture.
Sector mode only - Decrease the light value by a user specified value for all the sector selected. The minimum is 0. The first sector that reaches the minimum stops all increases. Use Ctrl+End to override. The light increment value is set in F5/Texture.
Sector mode only - Increase the light value by a user specified value for all the sector selected. The maximum is 255. The light increment value is set in F5/Texture.
Decrease the light value by a user specified value for all the sector selected. The minimum is 0. The light increment value is set in F5/Texture.
Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+9
Instant access to any User defined Prefab.
Prefab Stair Tool no dialog
Note : Detailed explanations of the following Cut, Copy, Paste are available in the Edit submenu.
View the contents of the internal Clipboard/Import Prefab PWAD. Things are shown as X's only.
View the contents of the Windows Clipboard/Import Prefab PWAD. Things are shown as X's only.
Copy objects. Copy the selected objects to the internal Clipboard. For the Registered version, you can use this to Merge different levels together. Select the whole level, copy, open another level then paste!
You should always try to get complete objects, that is, they should form a closed loop.
Copy objects to the Windows Clipboard, otherwise the same as Ctrl+C
Enter Line Drawing mode. Can be entered from any mode, to start drawing/creating new lines.
Flip LineDefs (changes direction)
Set grid scale to 0.
Import a User Prefab PWAD. This copies the PWAD level data to the internal Clipboard. Then it pastes the data into current level. Functionally it can be used as an unlimited PREFAB tool. What you do is make a sample of the type of object you want to use over and over and save it as a PWAD. You can also use this to merge multiple levels together into the same map. If you use the same set of Prefabs over and over, store them in the User Prefab tool menu.
Follow Linedef-Sector tag associations. Put the cursor on a Linedef with a tag (can also be a script or lineid), press Ctrl+J and the screen jumps to the Sector associated with the tag. If you repeat the command it jumps to the next Sector and so on. Similarly, put the cursor on a Sector with a tag, press Ctrl+J and the screen jumps to the Linedef associated with the same tag. If you repeat the command it jumps to the next Linedef and so on.
Press C (clear) to start over using a different tag or move the cursor to an object with a different tag. For example, if you start with a Linedef tag of 16, press Ctrl+J and are now in a Sector with a tag of 16, move the cursor to a Sector with a non-zero tag that is 22, press Ctrl+J the display will jump to the next sector that has a tag of 22.
Flip LineDef and swap Sidedefs (Ctrl+F and Ctrl+S)
Mirror the object(s) selected
Mirrors the selected object(s) to the current cursor location. A copy of the original object is also placed in the internal ClipBoard. You should always try to get complete objects, that is, they should form a closed loop.
Normalize LineDef or Sector.
If in LineDef mode sets the LineDef type to Normal and the tag to 0.
If in Sector mode sets the Sector type to Normal and the tag to 0.
Copies current Wall Dup texture defaults to only SIdeDef 2 or Floors of selected objects.
Prefab Polygon Tool no dialog
Prefab Rectangle Tool no dialog
Swap Sidedefs (exchanges Sidedef1 with Sidedef2)
Automatic Tagging. Automatically assigns tags.
In LineDef edit mode, you select the LineDef(s) to connect to a Sector.
In Sector Mode, you select the Sector(s) to connect to a LineDef.
1. Select the LineDef(s) or Sector(s) to tag.
2. Press Ctrl+T
3. The Edit mode switches as appropriate.
4. Move the cursor to the LineDef or Sector to have the same tag.
5. Press the left mouse button. The same tag number now connects both!
Paste objects. Copy the objects in the internal ClipBoard/Prefab buffer to the current cursor location. You can move the objects around with the mouse. Press the left mouse button or the enter key to place the internal Clipboard data at that location.
Data is placed in the internal Clipboard with the Ctrl+I Import Prefab PWAD command, predefined User Prefab Command Ctrl+1…), Ctrl+C copy command or Ctrl+M mirror commands. Please see the discussion in the Edit submenu for guidelines when Pasting or Mirroring objects.
If no data is in the internal Clipboard, then any objects that are currently highlighted are automatically placed in the Clipboard and pasted.
Paste objects from the Windows Clipboard. Otherwise the same as Ctrl+V
Cut objects (same as Del). Deletes all the selected objects. The type of objects deleted vary by Edit mode.
Redo, restore level to state prior to Undo. The number of Undo levels is set in F5/Map options.
Undo, restore level to prior state. The number of Undo levels is set in F5/Map options.
Goto Bookmark 1. The Bookmark is set using Alt+Shift+0 (1 from 0 to 9).
Active/Deactive custom vertical Tool Bar
Load Tool Bar Definition Dialog
Load Tool Bar Display and Style Option Tool Bar
Bottom Menu Status
Look on the bottom bar for the status of your options and map. You can see the center, autoselect, scroll unit (speed) options and the change status of your level.
Mouse buttons in MAP editing
Left Mouse Button
The Left mouse button has various uses ( below all refer to the left mouse button)
Mark/unmark the current object (select/unselect), Quickly press the Left button to mark or unmark object(s).
Marked objects (speaker clicks or sound) and the object changes color) are all changed as a group when you make changes.
The right side of the top menu bar shows the total number of objects currently selected.
Create selection box (or rubber band).
If the Left button pressed and held down and you move the mouse, Select box mode is entered.
Move the mouse to change the size of the outline you see to encompass all the objects you want selected/marked.
When you release the mouse button, all objects within the rubber band box are selected. If the F5 project option has Additive Select OFF, all the currently selected objects are cleared and the new objects in the Selection box are now active. If Additive Select is ON, all the objects are added to any other objects previously selected. As you get more experience, you may prefer to have Additive Select ON, we do.
All these objects can now be edited at once or moved/copied.
If you do NOT have additive select active (see F5 options), then pressing the Left mouse button for a long duration moving a bit and then releasing it, is a quick way to clear current selections! But then again, pressing C is not too hard either.
Zoom-to-Window (Selects and area and magnifies it to fill the screen)
Press the Left mouse button and hold down and move. Select box (rubber band) mode is entered.
a. Move the mouse to change the size of the outline to encompass all the objects you want to Zoom in on.
b. While pressing the Left button, press Z. - or -
c. While pressing the Left mouse button, press the Right mouse button and release right away. If you move the rubber band box while pressing the Right mouse button, release the Right mouse button and then click again (if you want to zoom).
To return back to the windows state prior to this command, press shift+Z.
Add an object (same as Ins key).
For Vertex and Things only, Quickly press the left mouse button twice in a row.
For Thing mode : Add a Thing of the current type.
For Vertex mode : Start Line Drawing Tool.
What does Selecting an Object do
Each time you click an object it is added to a list of selected objects. When you edit any of the objects in the list, all the objects selected receive the edit changes. Similarly, if you drag or copy when the cursor is over one of the objects in the list, all the objects are dragged or copied.
You do not have to click to edit only one object. Move the cursor over the object to edit. When you see that it is selected, press Enter (or press the Right button quickly), select the options in the sub-menu and press Escape (or click the Right button) when you are done to exit.
Similarly for copying or dragging only one object, make sure the object is automatically selected and press O for copying it or press the Right button and hold down to drag.
To unselect an object, click on it again or press C to clear all.
If you have turned Auto Select off by using the shift+A command, no objects are automatically selected as you roam the map. Turn it back on if you want to edit as described above.
Left button Direct Picture Editing
Left clicking the Sector, LineDef or Thing picture displayed on the bottom, pops up the corresponding object images/texture selection menu. This is a fast method of adjusting the final look of a level!
Only the object displayed is changed. Additional objects you may have selected are ignored.
You may wish to temporarily turn Auto Select of to keep the same object displayed on the bottom.
Left button Insert Start Drawing (creates a Vertex)
If you quickly* click the Left mouse button twice, Drawing Mode is automatically entered for all modes except Things.
Press the Left button after you press Ins in Vertex mode to create the first Vertex for the first LineDef. If the vertex is on top of a line, the line is split at the cursor location.
*Change the delay in Zoom/Mouse/Map options under Edit and Windows itself.
Shift+Left button
Zoom in (same as + key)
Ctrl+Left button
Enter panning mode. Moving the mouse repositions the map. You can release the Ctrl key after you start. Pressing the Left + Right mouse buttons or pressing the Middle/Wheel button also enters panning mode. Press both buttons to stop or press Esc.
Right Mouse Button
The Right mouse button has various uses ( references below are for the right mouse button)
Edit the current/selected object(s).
Quickly press the Right button to edit the current object(s).
Drag the current/selected object(s).
If the Right button is pressed and held for over 2/10* of a second, drag mode is entered.
*Change the delay in Zoom/Mouse/Map options under Edit.
All the selected object(s) are dragged.
Drag the object(s) selected by pressing the Right mouse button (and holding it down) and at the same time moving the mouse to the desired location. Release the Right mouse button to place it.
If you have a group of objects selected (either by individually selecting them with the Left mouse button or using the Left Mouse drag selection box), they are all dragged at the same time.
If you press and hold the Right mouse button when you are over a New object (it lights up) and it is not in the current select list), the new object is dragged and all the prior ones are dropped.
Drag tool object.
When creating a Rectangle, Polygon or Stair from the Tool menu (not from Objects), pressing the Right mouse button drags the object over the map.
In rotate mode, the Right mouse button drags the whole map .
Change Edit mode.
Quickly* clicking the Right mouse button brings up a sub-menu that allows you to change Edit modes.
Select a new mode or Right click to exit.
*Change the delay in Zoom/Mouse/Map options under Edit.
Right button Insert Vertices/LineDefs
Press the Right button to stop inserting vertices and drawing LineDefs in Vertex mode (see above). The LineDefs are automatically closed. Press Esc if you do not want to close the LineDefs.
In this mode only, Shift+Right button connects the area drawn to the Sector whose LineDef you have shared. Use this to extend areas using the same Sector. (The opposite is true if Sector Join is ON.)
(Draw over only 1 LineDef).
Shift+Right button
Zoom out (same as - key)
Left + Right button, then release Right Button
Enter panning mode. Press the Left mouse button and then press and release the Right mouse button to start panning. Press +/- to zoom. Pressing just the Left or Right Mouse buttons once you start, also zooms.
Ctrl + Right button, bring up Prefab popup menu
Select either an edit mode or one of the flexible prefab tools.
Middle Mouse Button
Enter panning mode. Depress the wheel button (or middle button) and pan. Depress again to stop panning (or press Esc). The Left and Right mouse buttons zoom when panning is started using the Middle mouse button.
Mouse buttons in Menus
Left button
Select the current name or number when the mouse is in the objects window.
Right button
Cancels the currently selected menu when clicked outside the area.
Menu Selections
Items from a menu can be selected three different ways:
1. Use the cursor keys to select the option and press Enter.
2. For menus with numbers in front, press the number.
3. Move the mouse cursor to the line and click the left button.
To cancel the selection, press Esc or click the right mouse button within popup menus (not the top menu bar).
Automatic Selection Difficulties
The first thing to do is increase the Magnification using the +/- keys, Z or the numbers. This makes it easier to see, the mouse movement is easier to control and DeePsea automatically narrows the search for something.
If you have automatic object selection turned on (shift+A), objects automatically get selected when you get close to them. Some Sectors may be difficult to select if they have irregular shapes.
Switch to LineDef mode, select a LineDef and switch back to Sector mode. You can also Jump to a Sector (or any object) with the J command.
If you have extra Sectors in one location, you will also have trouble, but in that case you have to delete the extra Sector. Run F10 Check to get rid of the extras automatically.
Please review the F1 help for each subject.