User Tool Menu
You can define up to 8 tools for your use. The tools are individually defined per project, meaning that different projects can have different predefined tools. The Shareware version TOOLS are limited to levels that are approximately 800 LineDefs.
The name of the tool can be any legitimate name. Typical names are Notepad.exe, EDIT.COM, MYBATCH.BAT, SOME.EXE and so forth.
Suppy the following information:
1. A description of the Tool (80 max)
2. The complete path name (128 max). Use the browse buttons to find the program you want.
3. Any parameters you want to pass to the Tool, for example a file (128 max).
Parameter Keywords (can be Upper, Lower or mixed case)
The following keywords can be inserted in the parameter field and the value listed on the right is substituted for the keword (see custom node builder note below):
The name of the level, for example, MAP12 or E3M2 |
The number portion of a level used to start the game, for example 3 (for MAP03) |
The short DOS file path/name containing the current level PWAD |
The short DOS file path/name containing the current game IWAD |
The short DOS path/directory containing –PWAD |
The short DOS path/directory containing –IWAD |
The short DOS path/directory where DeePsea is installed |
The LONG file path/name surrounded by quotes containing the current level. |
The LONG file path/name surrounded by quotes containing the current IWAD. |
The LONG path/directory surrounded by quotes containing $PWAD |
The LONG path/directory surrounded by quotes containing $IWAD |
The LONG path/directory where DeePsea is installed |
$PWAD without quotes |
$IWAD without quotes |
$PWADDIR without quotes |
$IWADDIR without quotes |
$DEEPDIR without quotes |
The three execution options are (see Notes below too):
1. Wait for Tool – check this if you want DeePsea to wait for the tool to complete before you go back to editing. If you do no check this, the level’s map stays displayed and you can continue to edit - unless you also checked minimize. Not all windows programs behave as desired. Some tell DeePsea that the program is finished even though it is not. In that case, you can check the miminize option, but not the Wait option and it will work fine.
2. Minimize DeePsea - this minimizes DeePsea before the Tool starts (see above also).
3. DOS Program - check this box if this is a DOS program.
These options are automatically saved for you each and every time you use the Tool.
Successful execution of the tool depends on compatibility with DeePsea and Windows of course. Test out your tools right away to see if they are compatible.
If you do not wait for the tool, DO NOT run any tools that modify any PWAD loaded. To run a tool that modifies a loaded PWAD, wait for the tool. This closes all files and reloads them again when the tool is finished. You get a warning if you wait for the Tool and you have not saved your work. Please save your work before starting the Tool if you get this message because you will loose all data if you do not save!
Custom Nodebuilder
When the tool dialog is used to define the parameters for a node builder, Wait for Tool is always forced. In addition, these are the only valid keywords: %LEVEL, %PWAD, $PWAD, #PWAD, %DEEPDIR, $DEEPDIR, #DEEPDIR.