Special prefix Relative Change Control (similar to WadAuthor’s)
DeePsea supports optional relative change controls for Sector Lighting and Sector Ceiling and Floors to provide an easy way to make relative changes to those values. The special relative change is applied to ALL sectors that are currently selected. They are activated by entering the following additional prefixes to numbers entered directly into the main Sector Dialog box (not the sub dialogs):
A double plus (++) or minus (--) prefix adds or subtracts the specified value from the original value. For example, entering a value of ++15 for a sector light level will increase the existing value by 15 units. Similarly -20 decreases the sector light value by 20 units.
A check is made to see if the light value is less than 0 or greater than 255 for all the sectors affected. If any one sector fails the check, it stops and asks you to continue. If you continue, the value is set the the corresponding limit reached (if any) for all the selected sectors.
A triple plus (+++) or minus (---) prefix adds or subtracts the specified value to either the floor or ceiling value. For example, entering a value of +++128 for the ceiling value makes the ceiling 128 units above the current floor value. Similarly entering a value of ---128 for the floor value makes the floor value 128 units below the ceiling value.
You can also use the Shift+PgUp/PgDn/Home/End/Cursorkeys for sector height controls. And you can use Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn/Home/End for sector lighting changes.