Change current Edit mode
Mode Keyboard Shortcut
Thing Mode T
LineDef & SideDef L
Vertices V
Sectors S
Next Mode Tab (see note below)
Last Mode Shift-Tab
3D Preview ~ or `
3D Texture Alignment W
Note: When shifting modes using Tab or Shift-Tab, all selections you have made stay active. Using one of the Letters to switch modes, may lose the current selection if it's not the same as using the Tab command.
Tab is only for T, L, V, S
All the tools create the type of object interactively on the screen.
Use LineDef mode to automatically merge LineDefs!
Rectangles or Polygons drawn directly from the mouse sub-menu draw different LineDefs compared to those drawn from the Object menu selected from the top menu bar.
1. Shapes drawn from the mouse submenu:
Tool shapes drawn inside existing areas make 2-sided LineDefs with no textures.
Tool shapes drawn outside existing areas make 1-sided LineDefs with normal textures.
2. Shapes drawn from the top Object menu:
Regular Tool shapes drawn inside existing areas make 1-sided LineDefs with normal textures.
Tool shapes drawn outside existing areas make 1-sided LineDefs with normal textures.
Move the Mouse to change the angle or size. Press F1 when using the Tool to see the appropriate commands to size the object.
The Left mouse button is used to accept the object as drawn. Enter also accepts the object.
The Right mouse button drags the object on the map after it is shown. If no object is drawn yet, the right button cancels the Tool command.
Esc or C also cancel the command.
BE CAREFUL when making MANY SIDES! Sometimes you will get a visplane error. This is inconsistent and varies on when/how/where you play in the map. (Somewhere around 128). The new BOOM ports and derivatives no longer have this limitation - so get as carried away as you like!
So sometimes it will play fine and sometimes it doesn't. Just depends on the sequence of events (a coding error in DOOM and HERETIC?)
You should probably limit yourself to around 32 stair steps and test those beyond that. We have built 200 steps, but the rest of the area was fairly empty. So try it and see what happens. The effort will be worth it.
LineDef & SideDef Notes
The following 2 character abbreviations are used in the LineDef type descriptions:
The first letter :
D Door a door, duh..
S Switch a switch, same..
W Walk walk across to activate
G Gun shoot to activate
The second letter :
R Repeatable works every time
1 One time works only once
The following abbreviations are used in the shortened type name :
O Door stays open
C Door closes after 4-6 seconds
F Door opens fast
S Stays open when shot
Ce Floor rises until it reaches the ceiling
Ne Floor rises/lowers until it reaches floor height of adjacent (Neighbor) Sector.
T Same as Ne, but the texture and type of Sector are also changed.
<> Modifiers for Ne, Ce and T to indicate where the it stops, < means below a floor and > means above a ceiling.
+- Modifiers for Ne and Ce to indicate where the it stops, - means below lowest and + means above a highest ceiling.