Matching different palette colors
When you converting textures (or graphics) from one game to the next, you may not get the colors desired. DeePsea has two options to control the process, accessed via the Options Color menu by pressing F5.
Don’t forget to change back to the default values, since they work best all around!
Color Dominance1 (default value 35)
This value controls the tolerance value permitted for a color to be considered dominant. A lower number is more restrictive and a higher number less so. Use this to force matching to that color.
For example, if you have a color with RGB (red, blue green) values of 120,100,80 and you select a tolerance of 0, then RED is consider dominant, since it has a higher value then Blue (100) or Green (80). Now let's make the tolerance 50. Is any color more than 50 greater than any other color? The answer is no. What if the tolerance is 19? Then RED is still dominant. How about 20? Well, that's where they are all considered equal again.
So if you made the value 255, no color would ever be considered dominant, since the maximum value for 256 color images is 255. And if you made the tolerance 0, even a single change would make the color dominant, for example in 20,21,20 BLUE is dominant (21).
Color Dominance2 (default value 10)
This is both the first level filter and determines additional adjustment after a match has been found. It is similar to Color Dominance1. This value has the most influence. Usually 10 is fine.
Play around with these values to achieve pleasing results. Not all palettes will match up! For example, if you have an image with 256 shades of Blue, there is no way you can match all the shades of blue. Banding always results.
In summary, if one palette has a much wider range of a color than another palette, something has to give.