This is for HEXEN only.




To get the existing MAPINFO :

Press F6 and select Export MAPINFO and save it to yourfile.txt.


To get the existing SNDINFO :

Press F6 and select Export SNDINFO and save it to yourfile.txt.


To get the existing SNDSEQ:

Press F6 and select Export SNDSEQ and save it to yourfile.txt.


To get the existing ANIMDEFS:

Press F6 and select Export ANIMDEFS and save it to yourfile.txt.


Editing any of the Entries made above

Press F6 and select the Edit version of any of the above. This starts a text editor (the default is NOTEPAD, press F5 to change). The editor has to inserts a carriage return and linefeed at the end of every line. Modify the text and then save it back.


Saving any modified Entries for use with HEXEN

Press F6 and select Save for the appropriate entry. The file replaces the current selected resource When you save the level, the new type of lump data selected is saved with the new PWAD.


For the other entries, select the Edit menu and Convert File to a PWAD. Then open the new PWAD you just made and from the File Menu Save and Group Files (registered only).



MAPINFO contents


A typical entry in the text file has one set of definitions for every level. A typical entry follows:


; --- Cluster 1 --- comment identifying a cluster (a set of levels that all belong together)


map 1 "WINNOWING HALL" : The map number is 1. The level name is WINNOWING HALL.

warptrans 1 : The number for the WARP cheat code is 1.

next 2 : The next level in sequence is 2.

cluster 1 : This level belongs to this group of levels.

sky1 SKY2 0 : SKY2 is the sky texture name, 0 is the X offset.

sky2 SKY3 0 : SKY3 is the sky texture name, …

lightning : There is lightning in the sky.

cdtrack 13 : Play this CD track for this level.


fadetable fogmap : Optional entry for fog effect. Fogmap is the fade table lump name.


Please Review HEXSPECS.DOC for further information on MAPINFO.



SNDINFO contents


A typical entry in the text file defines the WAD entries used for sounds and music.


Sound definition example:


PlayerFighterNormalDeath fgtddth


The first entry is the long name of the sound and the second entry is the lump name containing the sound. The long names are used in Scripts.


Map Song definition example:


$MAP 1 Winnowr


$MAP 1 is the level name and Winnowr is the lump name containing the music data



SNDSEQ contents


A typical entry in the text file defines the WAD entries used for platform and door sounds.


This is the text for the sound associated with a platform:



playuntildone PlatformStart

playrepeat StoneMove

stopsound PlatformStop



Some variations are :


playtimes SoundName N : Play the sound SoundName N times.

Playuntildone SoundName : Play the sound SoundName until the action stops.

playstop SoundName : Play the sound SoundName when the action stops.

playrepeat SoundName : Play the sound SoundName continuously.



ANIMDEFS contents

A typical entry in the text file defines the WAD entries used for the animated textures and flats.


This text data defines which textures and flats are animated, how many steps there are in the animations, and how long each of the animation steps last.


Example of a definition:


flat x_001 : The name of the animated texture (starts with 001, increments each time)


pic 1 tics 5 : The 1st texture, displayed for 5 tics (5/35 seconds)

pic 2 rand 2 8 : The 2nd texture, displayed for 2 to 8 5 tics randomly

pic 3 tics 3 : The 3rd texture, displayed for 3 tics

pic 4 tics 8 : The 4th texture, displayed for 8 tics