circlock.gifCheck Menu Options (Errors and Statistics)


Check [Alt+C]


When using the following diagnostics, if an error is listed, press return to continue checking or press Esc to select the problem object.


These diagnostics are warnings. It is possible to deliberately do it wrong to get some special effect, e.g., floating objects, transparent stairs, and bar doors. Some of the checks can be disabled using the Check Option selection on the bottom of this menu.


If you are converting from DOOM II to DOOM or from DOOM to HERETIC or visa-versa, be sure to replace any incompatible LineDefs! HEXEN conversion always erase all LineDef and Sector types.


Use Search to find and decide what will work almost the same.


Always run the complete check before you test the level!


1. Number of Objects

Gives a count of all the objects in a level. The last five are built by the DeePBSP node builder.


The amount of bytes needed to store the information in a PWAD file is rounded to the nearest Kbytes).


The next screens display Things information to help you evaluate the play-ability of the level for the different skills.


2. Check if all Sectors are closed

Test all Sectors and make sure they are closed. If they are not closed it reports the number of the unclosed Sector. There are some circumstances when a Sector is technically not closed, but if you can never reach it, no problem occurs. Some DOOM levels, for example, MAP14, have many of these.


The Sector not Closed message can also mean you have two (or more) LineDefs/Sectors in the same location. Please run the Xref check to automatically find these!


Remember, the final test is playing the level! If the area not closed causes trouble, you must fix it.


3. Check cross references

Verify the integrity of the level and help locate possible problem areas. This helps locate orphaned SideDefs, etc. It will also remove extraneous LineDefs if there are two LineDefs between the same Vertices. Ditto for duplicate Vertices. Any unused objects are also removed.


4. Check SideDef Textures

Report any SideDefs that may need to have Normal/Upper/Lower texture defined. If the texture can never be seen, a missing texture causes no problems. In some cases textures are deliberately omitted to build an invisible block. If this is not your level, check the level out first before changing.


It also checks to see that normal textures for 2-sided LineDefs have only 1 patch.


2-Sided LineDefs with textures containing more than 1 patch slows the game to a crawl and causes the 'Medusa Effect' - Looks like snakes and turns you to stone.


Textures with multi-patches that are side-by-side are OK.


This also checks for floors and ceilings that move. For example, a floor that moves UP exposes a lower wall (so requires a texture there) and a ceiling that moves DOWN exposes an upper wall (which requires a texture).


Sectors that move both Up and Down are not checked. So if you activate the Up/Down moving Sector and you get HOM, add the texture missing!


It is possible to design an area where a Sector moves only after another neighboring Sector has moved. Remember, if no neighbor floor or ceiling is higher (or lower) then a Sector with a LineDef type of move to next higher/lower, the Sector will not move since there is nothing higher/lower. Want to know a simple trick to make it happen? Create a small dummy sector that is higher (or lower) and attach it anwhere to the sector you want to move. DOOM2TUT.WAD has some of those in the upper right area.


If there is no neighboring Sector that can move, this is a design error. If, however, there is a neighboring Sector that moves due to another LineDef type action, after this neighboring Sector moves it becomes an eligible neighbor target of the original Sector. So if the end result of the moves is no difference in heights, no texture is actually required (is this all clear as mud?)


DeePsea will report a missing texture that cannot occur since the Sector will not move until an adjacent Sector moves. Adding the texture normally does not matter.


5. Check Texture Names

Report any texture names which are not found in the current DOOM/HERETIC/HEXEN IWAD file. The names are

different for DOOM, DOOM II, HERETIC and HEXEN.


6. Check Thing Names/Doors/Sectors

First check Player/Deathmatch start and see if there are enough and if they are valid.


Report any Thing names which are not found in the current game IWAD file. The names are different for DOOM, DOOM II, HERETIC and HEXEN.


Check for Things outside of Sectors. It's possible in rare instances to misreport the sector.


Check for Enemies/Players on the same skill level on top of each other.


Check for Enemies/Players stuck to a wall. This depends somewhat on the Thing. Some things can be partially stuck and can free themselves. If you keep the outside circle away from the walls, you should always be OK.


Check for any Sector with an Enemy/Player that is lower than the height required.


Check for all keyed Doors and see that keys of that color exist in the level.


7. Check LineDef Types/Tags

Report any LineDef types that are not known to DeeP.


Make sure Sector tags are present when required! A missing Sector tag (tag is 0 and it shouldn't be)



Report LineDefs with tags that do not require them. If you reset to 0, the sectors they referenced will complain about a missing tag, but that's OK since they should be set to 0 also. Recheck to make sure some other LineDef isn't using that tag!


Tags 99 and 999 (99 DOOM I) were originally used to fix stair problems? Tags 666 and 667 denote special endings for the level they are in.


Id could have used this!


DeePsea assumes that you are running the later versions of DOOM. There are no more differences between DOOM and DOOM II LineDefs.


8. Check Sector Types

Report any Sector types that are not known to DeeP. Use this when converting between DOOM types or HERETIC to find the differences.


List any Sectors with tags that do not have a matching LineDef with the same Tag number. This is OK, if you removed them as noted above in the LineDef Tag check. Otherwise, it indicates left-over useless tags.


9. Check (5,6,7,8) Texture, Things, LineDefs, Sectors.

Self explanatory!


A. Check (2,3,4 )SectorsClose, Cross-Ref, Missing.

Self explanatory! Should always be run to prevent Node building errors.


B. Check (2 ... 8)all of the above

Self explanatory! Always run this to be sure.


C. Check (2,3,4,5,6)

Self explanatory! Mainly if you are using types that are not defined yet for one of the new DOOM ports.. We suggest you add them to the appropriate OPT file.


D. Check for textures not required

Checks for textures not required. This makes it easier to edit the level.


Although these textures do not affect the game, it is potentially confusing to see have textures where

none have to be. See note below for rising stairs.


E. Automatic fix missing Textures

Check for differences in heights and determines if there should be a texture. Use the current default textures. If the wall doesn't show, it can be left alone, but it doesn't hurt to put it in.


F. Automatic fix Texture names

A quick way to convert DOOM to DOOM II. Uses the current default textures.


Will also convert to each of the games from DOOM to HERETIC/HEXEN or any combination thereof.


G. Automatic remove Extra Texture names

Removes all textures not required. This makes it easier to edit the level. Sometimes these textures affect the display of textures and it is potentially confusing to see textures where none are required.


For HEXEN, be careful since the LineDefs can not be not checked for any script movement!


Rising Stairs


Rising Stairs always require a lower texture. DeePsea does NOT currently determine all the Sectors that belong to the rising stair to exclude them from the check.


For this reason, you should Answer N to exclude the lower texture from the check.


When rising stairs are present, lower extra textures are not removed.


Don't forget that scripts in HEXEN could be causing movement that DeePsea cannot see!


H. Set Error Check Options

Enable or disable some of the checks. This is normally done if you have built a level with the special effects mentioned earlier. Select Write Error Log to just create a log of all the errors with no fixes attempted. If you create a log file that is greater than about 50kb, use Wordpad to view (if you want to see all of it). The name of the error log file is DeepErrorLog.


I. View Last Error Log

See the last list of errors again without running the error checker. This is only applicable if you have Write Error Log turned on.