circlock.gifCheat Codes


DOOM cheat codes


During play, type the codes in with the keyboard. A message displays on the top showing the cheat mode.


1 = DOOM only

2 = DOOM II only


idbehold Displays a menu on the top line, enter:


S = strength

V = Invulnerability

I = Partial Invisibility

A = Full AutoMap

R = Anti-radiation suit

L = Light amplification visors


Idchoppers - Chainsaw

idclev## - Warp (episode/mission)

idclip  - 2 Walk through walls

idspispopd - 1 Walk through walls

iddqd - God Mode

iddt - Toggles Automap (in automap)

idfa - Full Ammo

idkfa - Full Ammo, weapons, keys, armor

idmus## - 2 Change music (episode/mission)



HERETIC cheat codes


During play, type the codes in with the keyboard. A message displays on the top showing the cheat mode.


Kitty - Walk through walls

Ravmap - Shows entire map (map mode)

Massacre - Kill all monsters on level

Skel -All keys

Rambo - All weapons, ammo, armor

Quicken - GOD mode

Ponce - Full health

Shazam - Weapon Power Up

engage## - Warp (episode/mission)

gimme - Menu, select item and quantity


a = Ring of Invincibility

b = Shadowsphere

c = Quartz Flask

d = ?

e = Tome of Power

f = Torch

g = Time Bomb Ancients

h = Morph Ovum

I = Wings of Wrath


HEXEN cheat codes

(Registered Only)


During play, type the codes in with the keyboard.

A message displays on the top showing the cheat mode.


Casper - Walk through walls

Mapsco - Shows entire map (map mode)

Where - Coordinate display

Butcher - Kill all monsters on level

Nra - All weapons +full health/armor

Conan - No weapons

Satan - GOD mode

Clubmed - Restore Health to 100

Locksmith - All keys

Sherlock - All puzzle pieces

indiana - 25 of each artifact

deliverance - Pig mode


puke## - Script (01-99), runs script

visit## - Warp (01-41)

shadowcaster# - Change character classs (0,1,2)


ticker - Frame rate counter

martek -Type in 3 times to die!

Noise - Sound debug

Init - Restart level


STRIFE cheat codes

(Registered Only)


During play, type the codes in with the keyboard.

A message displays on the top showing the cheat mode.


Omnipotent - GOD mode

Boomstix - All weapons

Jimmy - Most keys

Pumpup - Gives powers

Gripper - No sliding

Elvis - Walk through walls

Stonecold - Kill all enemies

Donnytrump - Get 300 gold

Lego - Get another Sigil piece

rift## - Warp to level ##

grp - Show map position

spin## - Switch music track## [-1-10]



STRIFE cheat codes

(Shareware Only)


During play, type the codes in with the keyboard.

A message displays on the top showing the cheat mode.


Ibgod - GOD mode

Stuff - GOD mode, guns, open, 100% health;

repeatable; +10% health

killem - Kill all enemies on level

guns - All weapons +full ammo, 200% armor

open - All keys (repeatable); 3 modes:

none-> regular keys->special keys

money - All cash and artifacts; max 100


Stic - Stealth boots (side effect: tic)

listit$ - Toggle/get power up

$= B Berserk

I Invisibility

M Mask

H Health 50/50/20

P Backpack

S Up Stats

T Targeter

Spirit - Walk through walls

goto# - Warp to level

moveme# - Teleport to map spot

brain - Toggle AI

ilive - Toggle auto use health (F5)

tic - Display fps dots (fps =70/(dots+1)

idmypos - Display coordinates/angel hex

idmus## - Switch music track## [-1-10]


Taking Screen Shots


DOOMx : add –devparm as a test parameter

HERETIC: add –ravpic as a test parameter

HEXEN : add –ravpic as a test parameter

STRIFE : add –devparm as a test parameter


Now press F1 to created number .PCX screen shots.


Note: DOOM and STRIFE will also display fps dots (fps = 70 / (dots+1)